Animals everywhere
A stunning book about the incredible biodiversity that can be found on planet earth, each spread detailing each habitat and the animals that live there. Taking readers on a journey to the hot sands of the Sahara desert, the underwater kingdom of the Great Barrier Reef, and the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, all the way to the icy expanse of the Arctic and the beautiful landscape of the Grand Canyon, Animals Everywhere tells us all about some of the fascinating animals that live there and how they are all important to their ecosystem and the world around them.
19.90 €
Architecture of change 2 /anglais
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49.90 €
Arigato Tokyo designers week /anglais
Arigato means thank you in Japanese. On March 11, 2011, a powerful earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated northeastern Japan. As the dramatic extent of the destruction became clear, a variety of aid initiatives were founded. Several aimed to use the power of creativity and art to offer the direct victims positive experiences as well as to bring the country together. Of these, the Arigato Project is the best known internationally. Arigato means thank you. First and foremost, this book expresses Japans heartfelt appreciation for the help and kindness it received from so many people around the world in the aftermath of this natural disaster. In doing so it showcases the inspired creativity generated by the multifaceted Arigato Project since its founding. Arigato features diverse work that deals with themes of love and thankfulness from fields including product design, furniture design, graphic design, illustration, and art. In addition, the book documents the art events and workshops that took place in the affected region and gave its people the chance to work through their traumatic experiences or simply to find a bit of happiness through creativity. The Design Association NPA, internationally known as the host and organizer of Tokyo Designers Week (TDW), is the initiator of the Arigato Project and editor of this book. Arigato also presents other exhibits and events from TDW 2011 that demonstrate how dynamic Japans current design scene is despite the recent natural catastrophe'or partially because of its galvanizing effect.
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45.00 €
Arne quinze cityscape /anglais
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18.00 €
Arne quinze the sequence /anglais
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29.00 €
Around the world the atlas for today /anglais
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45.00 €
Art escapes
Art exists all around us: one just needs to know where to look. Escaping the conventional settings of the museum or gallery, a fascinating variety of art pieces exist everywhere from Ghanaian patios to the Las Vegas desert, from the forest in Scandinavia to the buzzing streets of Mexico City. APLAC is a thoughtful journey through these little-known gems that become a destination in themselves, and should be part of every art-lover bucket list. Away from the queues, the crowds, and the constraints of the classic art spaces, these places invite you to discover creativity in a new light.
39.90 €
Ask me about ...dinosaurs
What did dinosaurs sound like? What did the dinosaurs eat? Were dinosaurs afraid of spiders? With 20 questions exploring the prehistoric world, you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about dinosaurs in this colorful, illustrated book.
17.90 €
Atlas du surf
Un atlas illustré des spots de surf les plus légendaires et méconnus du monde – et ce qui les rend si remarquables. Le surf, c’est un mode de vie avec toujours plus d’adeptes. Ce sport fascinant est une perpétuelle invitation au voyage et à l’exploration. Cet atlas rassemble les meilleurs spots du monde et leurs histoires extraordinaires. Surfer les vagues sous l’aurore boréale en Islande ; faire une randonnée à travers la toundra arctique pour arriver à un site unique ; braver les vagues monstrueuses de Mavericks en Californie. Ce livre nous emmène dans des endroits aussi insolites que mythiques, où le surf devient presque un rituel sacré.
50.00 €
Autoban form fonction experience /anglais
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56.00 €
Barley & hops the craft beer book /anglais
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39.90 €
Be well
Ce livre présente la nouvelle culture et la nouvelle architecture du bien-être du xxie siècle, ainsi que ses protagonistes et ses idées, ses traitements et ses concepts. Passer une journée à régénérer son corps et à nourrir son esprit est l'un des grands plaisirs de la vie. Depuis des siècles, les humains prennent soin de leur corps: dans les huttes à sudation du sud-ouest américain, dans les bains romains, mais aussi dans les hammams ottomans, les onsens japonais et les saunas nlandais. Les soins du corps sont de plus en plus attractifs. L'offre n'a jamais été aussi étendue et redé nit la façon dont nous pratiquons le bien être aujourd'hui. Pour nous aider à nous déconnecter et à supporter le rythme effréné de nos vies, une industrie en plein développement propose désormais de nouvelles expériences. Be Well est un voyage à travers les espaces de bien être les plus extraordinaires du monde et les pratiques innovantes qu'ils offrent.
39.90 €
Beautiful Machines
Attachez votre ceinture, embarquez à bord des voitures de sport les plus élégantes de ces cent dernières années et partez à la découverte des histoires fascinantes qui les ont élevées au rang d'icônes de la route. Beautiful Machines est une invitation à pénétrer dans l'univers de machines d'exception à destination de tous les fous de mécanique et passionnés d'automobiles. Voici l'histoire fascinante de sportives emblématiques, de la légendaire Porsche 917 (mise à l'honneur par Steve McQueen) à la Ferrari Daytona (ressuscitée dans la série télévisée Miami Vice), en passant par l'aérodynamique Aston Martin DB5 (modèle préféré de James Bond)... Beautiful Machines lève le voile sur ces classiques devenus les icônes de toute une époque en détaillant les secrets de fabrication et les prouesses d'ingénierie qui les caractérisent. ''
60.00 €
Beauty and the east
For decades, the eastern nation was seen as “the world's factory,” a manufacturing giant for whom success meant importing talent from the west or simply copying it altogether. Leading architects from Europe and America reaped the benefits of the country's rapid urbanization, where spectacular, futuristic buildings are encouraged and no expense is spared. But all of that is changing. A creative revolution is taking place that has China poised to overtake the west in terms of architecture and design. A new wave of homegrown, internationally educated talent is reimagining the possibilities for Chinese architecture, spurring a new aesthetic that links tradition and identity with China's built environment. China Builts (working title)China is a fresh look at the architects leading the change in this fast-growing country. This book takes readers on a journey into the fascinating world of Chinese design, where the next crop of international architects is already hard at work.
49.90 €
Being Marc Márquez
Get to know and take a ride with the eight-time world-champion. Being Marc Márquez lifts the curtain behind the iconic acronym MM93 and reveals what matters to the fastest man on two wheels both on the racetrack and in life. Whether it's friendship, fun, focus, loyalty, spirit, or family—in eight chapters, he allows readers to get an up-close look, opening his tinted visor to let us peak into his mind and all-out racing soul. This book shares the personal insights and credos of a tireless fighter and unapologetically optimistic family guy.
36.00 €