Come together
Multiple generations of the same family living under one roof is not a new idea. But what is new is the way architects around the world are re-embracing this form of living, back by increasingly popular demand. While the 20th century experience emphasized a single-family home for the nuclear family and bachelor pads, we are now seeing more tiers of the family unit choosing to live together. Come Together explores the why, the what, the where and, perhaps most importantly, the how of the homes that succeed to be livable for all generational tiers – with designs that are not only architecturally stunning, but balancing private and communal spaces to come together.
39.90 €
Concrete jungle
Combine concrete’s stoicism with luscious vegetative environments and you get to the language of tropical modernism. In continuity with its founding principles from the mid 20th century, today’s architectural visionaries renew the use of raw materials, such as exposed concrete, to explore functionality rather than aesthetics. No matter if works are created in total symbiosis with the tropical landscape or surrounded by flourishing nature, Concrete Jungle presents the dichotomy of the rough material being softened by interaction with the interior and exterior. When gray meets green a never ending range of impressions awakens.
60.00 €
Container Atlas
Récupérés, réutilisés et pratiquement indestructibles, les conteneurs de transport maritime permettent de réinventer la construction. Au cours des dernières années, l'architecture conteneur a pris une place importante dans notre environnement. L'utilisation de conteneurs a permis la création de structures modulaires pour construire des pavillons, des salles d'exposition, des locaux commerciaux et même des résidences. En parallèle, les architectes ont développé des méthodes de plus en plus inventives pour travailler avec ce matériau de construction sans prétention, du simple empilement à des compositions élaborées. Alors que cette approche architecturaleétaitàl'origineunmoyenfaciledecréer des bâtiments temporaires, Container Atlas a débusqué des résidences luxueuses et discrètes, des habitations urbaines, des centres communautaires et d'autres constructions encore, tous témoignant que d'humbles conteneurs peuvent rendre le préfabriqué durable.
49.90 €
Cooking greens on fire
Embrace the back-to-basics nature of open-fire cooking, and be introduced to dozens of vegetarian campside recipes. Cooking on an open fire is both exciting and impractical—it’s as much about the time spent preparing the food as it is about eating it. This style of cooking lures chefs of all ages to the outdoors, and the possibilities for including vegetables in the campfire kitchen are almost endless. Cooking Greens on Fire introduces 60 recipes for vegetarian campfire dishes in various degrees of difficulty. Learn how to build and light a fire, and get to know the equipment, safety, and cooking methods best suited for enjoying vegetables over the open flames.
39.90 €
Cooking on fire
For decades, open-fire cooking has been considered a pastime reserved for scouts and elite soldiers, leaving the rest of us to grill sausages on the terrace. But open-fire cooking is for everyone. It is sensuous and impractical in the best sense of the word. It is as much about the time spent making the food as it is about eating it. Cooking on Fire is full of delicious firecooked recipes requiring varying degrees of effort. It teaches you how to build and light campfires, different campfire cooking techniques, the equipment you will need (if any), and everything else you need to know. You’ll find classic recipes like Chilli Con Carne and roasted chestnuts but also more challenging dishes that require a fair amount of time—which is a good thing. Because if there is one thing the authors would like to accomplish with this book, it is to give you, the reader, the freedom to sit down by the fire, and with food as the excuse, look into the flames, and relax.
39.90 €
Country and cozy
Turning away from traffic-choked streets and onto meandering country paths, urban residents increasingly are choosing to take up residence in greener pastures. Quiet and quaint, the countryside comes with its own pace of living – and depending on where you are, its own regional flair. Country and Cozy opens doors and pulls back the floral curtains to reveal a more characterful approach to interior design and decoration. Whether it’s a converted outhouse in the south of France, a Latin American Finca, or a whimsical English cottage complete with a thatched roof, Country and Cozy showcases a series of beautiful country homes and illustrates how their inhabitants have created breathtaking living spaces that make the most of rural life. Â
49.90 €
Craft beer design
The experience of craft beer is not just about what’s in the can, but what’s on it. A dazzling illustration or a minimalist typographic treatment or even an oil painting – whatever it may be, craft beer branding has become an unexpected canvas where creativity meets commerce. In an increasingly thriving beverage category, microbreweries around the world are defining their ethos and identity through vibrant labels and colorful cans. In Not Just Beer, Danish designer and craft beer expert Peter Monrad introduces the best and most out-there examples of beer branding from around the world. We meet the designers and learn about the thought processes behind their work, offering an exciting glimpse into the intersection of graphic design and craft beer.
29.90 €
Create eating design and future food /anglais
Provisoirement indisponible
49.90 €
Data flow 2 design graphique et visualisation d'informations /francais
Provisoirement indisponible
56.00 €
Découvrir le monde en train
39.90 €
Delicious Places
La gastronomie contemporaine ne se résume plus à la salade de quinoa à l'avocat. Delicious Places présente une nouvelle génération de bars, restaurants et entrepreneurs qui écrivent un nouveau chapitre de la culture culinaire. La culture culinaire a évolué. De nouveaux restaurants, bars et cafés ont vu le jour, sous l'impulsion d'esprits inventifs. Ils ont su habilement révolutionner le genre et proposent une expérience gustative innovante mêlant le cadre et le concept, jusqu'à dessiner un nouveau monde de la gastronomie. Delicious Places compile des exemples de concepts gastronomiques couronnés de succès?: restaurants mono-produit, pâtisseries authentiques, coopératives de pêcheurs aux produits ultra-frais ou restaurants d'altitude branchés. Tous proposent à leur clientèle une expérience unique qui, dès la porte franchie, se nourrit de la décoration intérieure, des émotions suscitées, mais aussi de la qualité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et des procédures durables mises en oeuvre.
38.00 €
Delicious Wintertime
Cuisiner en hiver : plats savoureux et snacks nourrissants se chargent d'éclairer les jours qui raccourcissent, de rendre les températures glaciales plus supportables et les activités outdoor plus dynamiques. Un grand ciel bleu, la neige qui scintille et des paysages de montagnes à couper le souffle - l'hiver est là et nous appelle à l'extérieur : pour faire des randonnées à raquettes, du ski, du snowboard ou bien pour profiter simplement de la saison froide ! L'expert outdoor et chef cuisinier Markus Sämmer rassemble ici de nombreux conseils pratiques ainsi que ses meilleures recettes de cuisine d'hiver : des idées de petits déjeuners qui remplissent d'énergie pour toute la journée, des soupes en thermos pour se réchauffer et des snacks pour grignoter en route, en passant par des idées de repas entre amis ou en famille pour une soirée dans le confort et la magie d'un chalet de montagne. ''
35.00 €
Designing brands
Designing Brands serves as a definitive guide for creating meaningful, elegant and timeless brand identities. Chapters on Discovery, Direction, Typography, Photography, Illustration, Design, Digital Physical provide an insightful step-by-step approach on how to develop the various visual elements that define a contemporary brand in various media, channels, and activations. Through the expert eyes of Mario Depicolzuane and a close-knit community of industry-leading designers, creative directors, and tastemakers, the book will explain how to develop a brand's world and to design with grace, rationality, thoughtfulness, and intuition.
40.00 €
Designing coffee
Cutting-edge design and unique spaces created for indulging coffee around the world that make your heart go faster. Over the past few years, the world of coffee has kickstarted a movement of cultural and creative influence. From unique jute bags, logos, or merchandise—cafes, roasters, and coffee shops around the globe are experimenting with new ways to provide spaces and product packaging that stand out from the crowd. Designing Coffee explores what it takes to curate some of the most innovative and eclectic coffee shops of today, from brand identity and packaging, through to interior design and architecture. Celebrating unique spaces, such as the minimalist, tea-house-like coffeeshops of Japan or communist themed cafes in Vietnam, this book provides advice on how to create a unique space of your own.
45.00 €
Deux ans à vélo
Le nouveau titre gestalten en français pour toujours plus d’aventures ! Rien qu’un vélo : ce voyage épique,grande traversée de deux continents, donne soif d’aventure.<br/> 20 000 kilomètres et seules ses propres jambes pour moteur.Partir du Canada à vélo, pédaler face au vent, sous la pluie ou unsoleil ardent, jusqu’à, enfin, arriver à la mythique Terre de Feu,pointe de l’Argentine. C’est une aventure dont rêventbeaucoup et que l’écrivain-photographe Martijn Doolaard relatedans Deux ans à vélo. Ses photos sensationnelles nousemmènent le long des côtes californiennes, dans les profondeursdes forêts vierges mexicaines et sur des cols de plus enplus hauts des Andes. Doolaard raconte la vie minimaliste d’unnomade-cycliste qui a tout ce qu’il lui faut dans ses sacoches. Ilexplore ainsi ce que cela signifie d’être citoyen du monde. Deux ansà vélo s’adresse à ceux qui sont inspirés par les tours de<br/> force et à ceux qui prévoient leurs propres aventures debikepacking.
45.00 €
Disorder in progress /anglais
Provisoirement indisponible
22.50 €